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Skribentens bildHelena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

Astro Guidance - February 19 - February 25

Helena-Magdalena's Astro-Guidance for the Week!

Week 8

Time: February 19 - February 25

On Monday, the Sun enters Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac. Pisces is a changeable sign that belongs to the element of water, so now some of the logical and rational energies of Aquarius shift toward the more sensitive and intuitive.

One of the highlights of the week is the Venus-Mars conjunction at 7* in Aquarius on Thursday, which is a beautiful transit and also takes place on the auspicious date of 22/2, an angel number that bestows wonderful love energy!

On Saturday, there will be a beautiful full moon in Virgo, use this full moon to create greater harmony in your life.

Monday 19/2

Sun enters Pisces

Pisces stands for spirituality, dreams, imagination, intuition, and creativity. When the Sun passes through the sign of Pisces, the focus shifts from mental logic to feeling and intuition. Inspiration flows and it is a perfect time to create; paint, sing, play and write.

Tuesday 20/2

No transits

Wednesday 21/2

No transits

Thursday 22/2

Venus and Mars meet at 7* in Aquarius

Venus and Mars, the heavenly lovers, meet today at 7* in Aquarius. This is a wonderful love transit when these two planets meet. There is romance and passion in the air, new love relationships are formed, and existing love relationships flourish. This transit also increases creativity, and it is a perfect day to create. Since this meeting takes place in Aquarius, you may get original ideas and insights today.

Friday 23/2

Mercury enters Pisces

Mercury moves on today to the dreamy zodiac sign of Pisces. Mercury, which governs your mental activity, is now influenced by Pisces' dreamy, intuitive, and imaginative energy. This gives you several weeks of a wonderful mix of thought and intuition.

Saturday 24/2

Full Moon 5* Virgo

During the full moon in Virgo, it is perfect to sense what disturbs your feeling of safety and order. Be aware of what changes you need to make now. When you let go of what disrupts your routines, you can create the structure in your life that makes you feel secure, and then you can more easily find balance within yourself. The full moon forms a lovely trine with Jupiter in Taurus, creating wonderful energies to focus on your goals ahead in life.

Sunday 25/2

Venus, Aquarius square Jupiter, Taurus 10,30*

The little luck planet Venus and the great luck planet Jupiter now meet in a somewhat challenging square. However, since both planets have such positive influences, it still means happiness, flow, and creativity. The only thing to be aware of is that it's easy to take things a bit too far today. Keep to your budget and indulge in moderation. It is a wonderful day for friendship, fun, and some delightful lightheartedness.

I work as an astrologer for the magazines Nära and Tara in Sweden.

 work with the CET time zone.


You are also warmly welcome to read more about me and follow my blog, visit my website:


I wish you an exciting week!


Light and love,



Astrologer: Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

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