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Skribentens bildHelena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

Astro-Guidance October 14th - 20th

Helena-Magdalena's Astro-Guidance for the Week!

Week 42 

October 14 – October 20


The week starts with one of the most fantastic transits in the sky, when the Sun and Jupiter meet in a lucky trine in the air signs of Libra and Gemini. At the same time, the Sun and Mars challenge each other in a tense square, so it's important not to get frustrated or act impulsively.


A beautiful triangle forms between Venus, Neptune, and Pluto, activating a harmonious and spiritual influence filled with love.


The Super Full Moon in Aries shines over us all on Thursday, paving the way for freedom and independence. 

Venus and Uranus in opposition in Scorpio and Taurus suggest that sudden events could happen in love life. 

This is a glimpse of what the upcoming week has to offer.


Monday, October 14 

Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini 21°


Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer 21°


The week begins with a wonderful trine between the Sun and Jupiter, one of the most positive transits! Good fortune, prosperity, happiness, and harmony flow from the planets. It’s a perfect day to write down your big dreams and visions. Love, good fortune, and a great flow radiate over us.


At the same time, the Sun and Mars meet in a square, so now you may be challenged to have patience. Mars wants quick action, and if things aren't moving fast enough in your life, you could feel frustrated. So, remember to breathe, look ahead, and aim your goals and dreams toward the future.


Tuesday, October 15

Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus 26°


When Uranus is involved, things happen suddenly and unexpectedly. 

When Venus and Uranus meet in opposition, there could be sudden changes in relationships. There is always a risk of sudden breakups, as Uranus is the inner rebel who seeks freedom. 

At the same time, this transit can bring unexpected love encounters, and suddenly love can appear and change life. With Venus and Uranus, there's a great chance of meeting someone with a completely different background. Venus and Uranus can also bring sudden financial surprises, for better or worse. Unexpected expenses or unexpected income may arise.


Wednesday, October 16

Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces 28°


Venus trine Neptune spreads a beautiful harmony filled with love, peace, and spirituality. This is a wonderful transit for love and romance. At the same time, it spreads creativity and inspiration in art, music, and writing. So, seize the moment and create something beautiful today. Love is at its peak, and it’s a perfect day to see life through rose-colored glasses and just enjoy all the beauty!


Thursday, October 17

Super Full Moon in Aries 25° Hunter's Moon


It’s time for the next supermoon, as the Moon is full in fiery and independent Aries. When the Moon is a supermoon, it’s closer to Earth than usual, and its effect is amplified. 

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, representing the self, ego, and personal development. The ruler of Aries and today’s full moon is Mars, which stands for drive and motivation. With the week’s transits, this full moon gives you feelings of freedom, independence, and a determination not to let anything or anyone stand in your way. With the influence of Jupiter and Neptune, you’ll want to look toward your future, standing on your own feet and fully free to realize yourself and your dreams. 

Mars is the ruler of the full moon, and its energies can be both impulsive and aggressive, so take long, deep breaths before you act, and make sure you don’t act rashly. Instead, let this powerful energy push you forward and create the freedom you need!


Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (just before entering Sagittarius) 29.38°


Before Venus moves on into Sagittarius, a harmonious transit forms between Venus and Pluto. It’s a beautiful transit that brings passion, intimacy, and intensity to relationships. This transit draws you closer to your loved one. If you’re single, this transit could ignite passion!


Venus enters Sagittarius


Venus now leaves the deep and sensitive Scorpio and transits into Sagittarius. The freedom-loving Sagittarius brings a more adventurous and liberated attitude to love relationships. It’s time to leave behind the deep emotions that Scorpio stirred up and take life a little more lightly. Love becomes more playful, carefree, and easy.


Friday, October 18

No transits


Saturday, October 19

No transits


Sunday, October 20

No transits


 Astrologer Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

"Soon, you will find our Astrology Calendar for 2025 on Amazon in the UK and USA.

More info coming soon!"

Wishing you an exciting week!


Light and love, 



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