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Skribentens bildHelena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

Autumn Eclipses in Pisces and Libra!

Autumn Eclipses!

We are now entering the autumn eclipse period, during which there will be a partial lunar eclipse at the super full moon in Pisces and an annular solar eclipse at the new moon in Libra on October 2.

The eclipse season starts on Wednesday, September 18 (CEST)

Super Full Moon in Pisces 25° – Harvest Moon with Partial Lunar Eclipse

The eclipse season rounds off on Wednesday, October 2

New Moon in Libra 10° with Annular Solar Eclipse

Eclipses, both solar and lunar, have long been regarded as powerful astrological events with significant spiritual and symbolic meaning. In astrology, they represent changes, awakenings, and endings, as well as opportunities for transformation. Here’s a closer look at their astrological significance:

**Lunar Eclipse**

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow over the Moon. In astrology, lunar eclipses are often about endings and insights that lead to emotional transformation. They can also highlight areas in our lives where we need to let go or make deep changes.

Astrological significance of lunar eclipses:

- **Endings and Completion:**

Lunar eclipses often mark the end of a cycle, helping us release what no longer serves us. They can be catalysts for breaking old habits, relationships, or behavioral patterns.

- **Emotional Breakthroughs:**

Since the Moon is connected to our emotions and inner world, a lunar eclipse tends to create emotional breakthroughs. Hidden feelings may surface, and we may gain new insights into our relationships and inner lives.

- **Clarity and Revelations:**

During a lunar eclipse, we may gain important insights about our life or situation, especially in relationships. It’s a time when we can become more intensely aware of our emotions.

**Solar Eclipse**

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun's light. In astrology, solar eclipses are seen as moments for new beginnings and major changes, often in the outer aspects of our lives, such as career, relationships, and personal ambitions.

Astrological significance of solar eclipses:

- **New Beginnings:**

Solar eclipses signal times when new opportunities may emerge. They open doors and draw our attention to areas of life where we need to take the next step.

- **Sudden Changes:**

Events that happen during a solar eclipse may feel sudden or unexpected. It’s as if the universe nudges us in a new direction, often through circumstances beyond our control.

- **Activating New Cycles:**

They can mark the beginning of a new six-month cycle, during which we see the development of the intentions we set during the eclipse.

Solar eclipses are particularly potent when they occur near a personal planet (such as the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant) in your horoscope. These eclipses tend to create a need to restart, let go of old patterns, and embrace new opportunities.

**Cyclical Eclipses and the Lunar Nodes**

Eclipses always occur near the lunar nodes – the North and South Nodes – which represent destined themes in our lives. Eclipses near the North Node often deal with taking steps toward future growth and life goals, while eclipses near the South Node may involve letting go of the past and working through karma.

**How to Work with Eclipses Astrologically:**

- **Set Intentions:**

During solar eclipses, you can set intentions for new beginnings and new paths in life. It’s a good time to manifest what you wish to attract.

- **Reflect and Let Go:**

During a lunar eclipse, you can reflect on what you need to release to make space for new experiences or emotional healing.

- **Be Open to Change:**

Eclipses often shake up our reality. Being flexible and open to the changes that come can help you navigate the energy.

Ultimately, eclipses are seen as universal "wake-up calls" that push us toward necessary change and growth. Whether they feel challenging or exciting, they carry the potential to accelerate personal and spiritual development.

**Super Full Moon in Pisces – September 18**

The full moon in Pisces is a powerful astrological event that often brings deep emotions and spiritual insights. Here are some key aspects and themes that a full moon in Pisces represents:

1. **Emotional and Spiritual Awakening**

Pisces is a water sign and the last sign of the zodiac, giving a sense of closure and integration of lessons. During this time, we may feel a strong need to turn inward and gain deeper insights about our soul and our place in the world. Pisces is intuitive and connected to the subconscious, meaning this full moon may bring spiritual breakthroughs or heightened emotional awareness.

2. **Endings and Completion**

Full moons represent endings, and with Pisces energy, this often involves letting go of what no longer serves our higher purpose. This could be emotional blockages, negative patterns, or old relationships. Pisces encourages us to surrender to the universe and flow with the change rather than clinging to the past.

3. **Forgiveness and Compassion**

Pisces is deeply compassionate and forgiving, both toward others and oneself. During a full moon in Pisces, we may be called to practice forgiveness, release old baggage, and feel compassion for the people we interact with. It’s a time to soften the heart and allow room for healing, both emotionally and spiritually.

4. **Dreams and Creativity**

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet associated with fantasy, dreams, and the mystical. During this full moon, you may feel a stronger connection to your dream world, receiving important messages through your dreams or visions. Creativity and inspiration may also flow freely, making it an ideal time for artistic projects or creative expression.

5. **Heightened Intuition**

Pisces is a sign closely connected to intuition and psychic abilities. During this full moon, you may feel more intuitively attuned, and your inner voice may feel stronger. It’s a time when you may feel a strong call to trust your feelings and follow your inner guidance.

6. **Balance Between Dreams and Reality**

An important aspect of a full moon in Pisces is its opposition to the Sun in Virgo. Virgo stands for realism, practical thinking, and details, while Pisces is dreamy and spiritual. This full moon reminds us to find a balance between dream and reality, between fantasy and structure. It’s a reminder that we can make our dreams a reality if we keep our feet on the ground.

7. **Emotional Healing**

Pisces has a healing energy, and this full moon may offer an opportunity for deep emotional healing. It’s an ideal time for meditation, reflection, and processing emotional wounds. You may feel a strong need to retreat, find inner peace, and heal from emotional challenges.


The full moon in Pisces is a time for emotional, spiritual, and intuitive expansion. It illuminates the dreams we have, the endings we need to make, and encourages us to let go of what hinders our emotional and spiritual growth. It’s a time for reflection, forgiveness, dreams, and creativity, and can lead to deep insights and a sense of inner peace.

**New Moon in Libra – October 2**

The new moon in Libra symbolizes a time for balance, harmony, and relationships. Libra, ruled by Venus, represents justice, beauty, and partnerships, so when the new moon is in this sign, it becomes an ideal time to focus on these areas of life.

Here are some of the key aspects of the new moon in Libra:

1. **Relationships and Partnerships:**

Libra governs close relationships, love relationships, friends, and business partnerships. It’s a time to reflect on relationships, strengthen bonds, or create new ones. The new moon can help resolve conflicts, foster cooperation, and restore balance in existing relationships.

2. **Balance and Justice:**

Libra always strives to maintain justice and harmony. During the new moon, it’s a good time to reflect on areas of your life where you need to restore balance—whether it’s in work, health, or relationships. It may be a time to forgive, release old grudges, and find a new equilibrium.

3. **Beauty and Aesthetics:**

Libra appreciates beauty and harmony in its surroundings. It’s a good time to create or enhance the aesthetic atmosphere in your home, workspace, or personal style. Creativity and artistic expression are favored during this time.

4. **New Beginnings in Cooperation:**

New moons represent new beginnings, and when it occurs in Libra, this can mean a fresh start in relationships or collaborative projects. It’s a perfect time to set new intentions about how you want to cooperate with others and create more fair and balanced partnerships.

The new moon in Libra inspires us to seek peace, resolve conflicts, and build relationships that are harmonious and just. It’s also a time to embrace beauty and renew our connection to others with compassion and diplomacy.

**The Lunar and Solar Eclipses in the Different Houses for Each Zodiac Sign:**

Aries: 12th and 7th houses

Taurus: 11th and 6th houses

Gemini: 10th and 5th houses

Cancer: 9th and 4th houses

Leo: 8th and 3rd houses

Virgo: 7th and 2nd houses

Libra: 6th and 1st houses

Scorpio: 5th and 12th houses

Sagittarius: 4th and 11th houses

Capricorn: 3rd and 10th houses

Aquarius: 2nd and 9th houses

Pisces: 1st and 8th houses

**Overview of the Twelve Astrological Houses and What They Represent:**

1. **First House: Self**

- Keywords: Personality, identity, outward appearance.

- Significance:

The first house

defines how you express yourself in the world. It represents your physical body, your outward appearance, and how others perceive you.

2. **Second House: Resources**

- Keywords: Material wealth, self-worth, finances.

- Significance:

This house focuses on possessions, resources, and finances. It also represents how you view your own value and self-esteem.

3. **Third House: Communication**

- Keywords: Communication, mental agility, short trips, siblings.

- Significance:

The third house rules how you communicate with others, including writing, speaking, and learning. It also governs your relationships with siblings and neighbors, as well as short-distance travel.

4. **Fourth House: Home**

- Keywords: Home, family, emotional foundation, security.

- Significance:

This house represents your home life, family, and emotional foundation. It governs childhood experiences, your relationship with parents, and the concept of “home.”

5. **Fifth House: Creativity and Play**

- Keywords: Creativity, pleasure, children, romance.

- Significance:

The fifth house is all about creativity, playfulness, and romance. It represents fun, entertainment, hobbies, and how you express joy. This house also governs children.

6. **Sixth House: Service and Health**

- Keywords: Work, service, daily routines, health.

- Significance:

This house governs day-to-day responsibilities, work, and service to others. It also rules health and wellness, daily routines, and how you take care of your body.

7. **Seventh House: Partnerships**

- Keywords: Relationships, partnerships, marriage, cooperation.

- Significance:

The seventh house rules close relationships and partnerships, including marriage, business partnerships, and significant friendships. It represents how you relate to others on a one-on-one level.

8. **Eighth House: Transformation**

- Keywords: Transformation, shared resources, intimacy, rebirth.

- Significance:

This house deals with intense emotional experiences, shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. It’s connected to issues of death, rebirth, and personal evolution.

9. **Ninth House: Expansion**

- Keywords: Higher learning, travel, spirituality, philosophy.

- Significance:

The ninth house governs broader perspectives, travel, and higher education. It’s about exploring the world through both physical and intellectual journeys. It also covers religion, philosophy, and spiritual beliefs.

10. **Tenth House: Career**

- Keywords: Career, public life, reputation, ambition.

- Significance:

This house rules your career, public life, and reputation. It represents your ambitions, long-term goals, and how you achieve success.

11. **Eleventh House: Community**

- Keywords: Friends, social groups, networks, humanitarian goals.

- Significance:

This house governs friendships, social groups, and communities. It’s also associated with your hopes, dreams, and humanitarian pursuits.

12. ** Twelfth House: The Subconscious**

- Keywords: Spirituality, the subconscious, secrets, isolation.

- Significance:

The twelfth house deals with the hidden aspects of life, including spirituality, dreams, and the subconscious mind. It’s connected to themes of isolation, retreat, and reflection.

Astrologer: Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt, Sweden

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